Member Rights & Privileges

Family, Couple, Adult Single & Legacy Memberships

Use of the Club and all conveniences such as: kitchenettes, assigned cubbies (if available), microwave, tuning room, and bathrooms. 
Use of tuning area, as available
Opportunity to rent a locker (as available)
Voting Rights at General Membership meetings (one vote per Family, Couple, Single profile)
Guest PrivilegesMembers are required to register their guests each day. All guests are $10.00 each per day, payable each day to the office. Guests will be charged additional fees for social events.
Opportunity to attend socials
Inclusion on mailing list and receive electronic communications
Opportunity to participate in skiing programs: Development Programs, Skillfulls and Masters
Opportunity to be elected as an Officer on the Board of Directors
Opportunity to be a member or chairperson of a Standing Committee on the Board

Junior Single Membership

Available to Juniors, who are enrolled in KSC/KMS Development programs and whose families are on the KSC New Member waitlist.  Access to the Clubhouse is limited to the Junior Single Member only.  Family members do not have access to the club. 

Junior Single Membership does not include access to lockers, cubbies or overnight storage.


Lunch at Killington Ski Club
Killington Ski Club Group Logo
Killington Ski Club Group

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