$125 New Member Application Fee
KSC requires a non-refundable $125 Application Fee for Family, Single and Couple membership categories. This amount will be applied to the one-time Initiation Fee due when accepted to full membership.

New Member Waitlist
KSC’S current waitlist is 3 years due to building capacity restrictions. Applicants will be offered membership when space allows by the date and order of application submission.
Per KSC’s bylaws, Club programming is available to members only. However, due to our current, unprecedented waitlist to join, the Board has opened KSC adult and youth programming to waitlisted applicants when space allows (this policy is reviewed annually).
Please note, if an applicant is offered membership and declines or does not respond to us within 10 days of receiving our invitation, their application will be removed from the waitlist and participation in any KSC programming will end. Programming privileges will not be restored if the applicant chooses to reapply to our waitlist.
In addition, the Club will not accept requests from applicants to put their application on hold until they are ready to join.

Junior Single Membership
KSC offers an individual membership for children currently enrolled in KSC/KMS Development programs with their family on the KSC Waitlist for full membership. Junior Single annual dues is $110 and a separate fee is paid to KMS for Development programming.
Junior Single athletes have access to the Clubhouse but do not have access to lockers, cubbies or overnight storage. Relatives of the Junior Single Member do not have access to the Clubhouse.

KSC Member Change in Membership Category
KSC members may transfer to another membership category only once in a two year period.

Lockers and Cubbies
Lockers and cubbies are available to full-time, active members based on availability (Junior Single members do not qualify for a locker or cubby).

Guest Policy
WEEKDAY GUESTS: Any current KSC Member may bring a guest subject to the following:
- The Member MUST notify and sign in the guest with a KSC Staff member at the front desk.
- The guest fee is $10 per person per day. If there is a social event that day, there will be an additional $20 charge per person. Payment is due at the time of guest being signed in. Cash or Credit Card accepted.
- Maximum of four guests on any one day.
- A guest may use the club one weekend a month or weekdays (non-holiday weeks) without monthly limitation (cannot have multiple members signing the same guest in during the same month).
- The member MUST be present when the guest is using the club.
WEEKEND and HOLIDAY GUESTS: Any current KSC Member may bring a guest subject to the following:
- The Member MUST notify and sign in the guest with a KSC Staff member at the front desk.
- The guest fee is $10 per person per day. If there is a social event that day, there will be an additional $20 charge per person. Payment is due at the time of guest being signed in. Cash or Credit Card accepted.
- Maximum of four guests on any one day.
- A guest is limited to one weekend per month (cannot have multiple members signing the same guest in during the same month).
- The member MUST be present when the guest is using the club.

KSC Agreement Policy for Applicants and Members
When a new member application is submitted for KSC membership, the applicant is agreeing to the following conditions: (1) There may or may not be a Waitlist at the time of application submission. (2) If placed on a Waitlist, the wait time is undetermined. (3) Once accepted to full membership, all membership fees paid to KSC are non-refundable. (4) All KSC members are bound by the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of KSC including future amendments while a Member.

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