Support KSC
The Killington Ski Club Fundraising Committee
The Killington Ski Club (KSC) Fundraising Committee is building upon success we enjoyed during our first year. We thank all those that participated in our inaugural campaign. In years past, members have been extremely generous with donations large and small supporting the capital campaign to remodel the Club, permitting KSC to offer scholarships to deserving KSC athletes and support of other club initiatives and activities. KSC has always been grateful for this generosity. Current KSC initiatives are the scholarship program, competition equipment and capital campaign for this coming season.
There are many ways to make a gift to the Club.
This section will help you determine which option is right for you.
All gifts to KSC go right to work.
KSC is a 501-(c)(3)
Are you interested in becoming a Friend of KSC but not sure of the best option for you?
Please email us for a personal contact. We will be in touch soon to review and discuss options that best suit your personal situation.
Your inquiry is completely confidential.

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